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Image by Gabriel Gurrola


The Tabernacle of David

"In that day I will raise up the booth of David that is fallen and repair its breaches, and raise up its ruins and rebuild it as in the days of old..."

Amos 9:11


Blessed House of Prayer For All Nations started in January of 2009 with a group of women who were hungry for the presence of God. This hunger for His presence caused the prayer to continue all night- and then on to the next day and the next day after. This movement that began from this small group of women never stopped and is still continuing today. This was the beginning of Blessed HOPFAN. By the grace of God and His great mercy, this was His plan that He had in mind from long ago.


In 1991, the Lord gave a dream to Joanne Lee (co-leader of Blessed International Revival Center) before moving to the U.S. as an immigrant from S. Korea.  It was about the end-times, of how the whole world in every nation, began to broadcast global issues of evil and death. It was time to go higher above what was happening on the earth in order to escape the calamity coming upon the earth. In this dream, the emphasis was that the only safe place was the place of prayer and worship. This was how we were to go up to the reality of what was happening in heaven. Later, this was understood that God will call the churches on the earth to start building the reality of worship of heaven, of tabernacle of David, that we see prophesied from Amos 9:11. And also this building of the tabernacle of David is the key to the harvest of the end time. 


Amos 9:11 “'In that day I will raise up the booth of David that is fallen and repair its breaches, and raise up its ruins and rebuild it as in the days of old, that they may possess the remnant of Edom and all the nations who are called by my name,' declares the Lord who does this.“


Acts 15:16-17 ”‘After this I will return And will rebuild the tabernacle of David, which has fallen down; I will rebuild its ruins, And I will set it up; So that the rest of mankind may seek the Lord, Even all the Gentiles who are called by My name, Says the Lord who does all these things.’“


Ever since pandemic in 2020, it gave us more understanding about the eminence and urgency of church being awakened to the reality that we are living in a time of generation called to prepare the  return of Christ through building the place of God’s presence.  We believe God has called us to raise up worshipers, intercessors, and watchers in the prophetic spirit, from this house of prayer.  


We have conviction that as a church becoming a worshiper of one and only true God is key to call of great commission Jesus gave to the church before He ascended to heaven.   To know how to access from the place of presence of God in heaven and to rule the earth with authority of prayer and life as a worshiper of God in the power of His word is the only way that we can overcome darkness and great trial God will allow in the end time.  We believe this is necessary for the turning of hearts in that dark hour but God is calling the church to pray that people will turn to God to be saved.   


We also believe that the most important the key for the great commission and harvest is to wait upno God from the place of worship and prayer as they did before the first church was birthed in Jerusalem.  We believe it is most beneficial as a church to wait on God for His anointing and empowerment to come in worship and prayer and also to grow to know the authority of prayer for His kingdom to be released on the earth by binding the hindrances of dark forces and to release His will of His kingdom on the earth.  Especially of His salvation that brings cities and nations to true restoration, healing, and freedom, and for men to come alive in His resurrection power to live out fullness of life in Christ Jesus.  God will turn the hearts of princes, nobles, leaders and also sons of God’s kingdom will be positioned upon the mountains of the earth to prepare situations for great harvest to come in this end time. 


We invite you to this call that we believe is for all God’s people in this end time, and it is our desire and prayer that we bring to the Lord continually to see the tabernacle of David being formed in all the earth as God has spoken through prophet Amos.  


Are you a musician, worshipper, or intercessor in Southern California? Are you called to light the fire on the altar in day and night worship? Join us as we lift up the name of Jesus over our cities and the nations.




Tues-Fri 9 AM - 11 PM

Front gates locked at 9 PM.
Every 2nd/4th Tues/mo, we close at 5 PM.

© 2023 by Blessed International Revival Center. All rights reserved.

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